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Through lectures, laboratory work, research, and seminars, 365亚洲版学院化学系的学生掌握了物质的基本知识和概念理解, its structure and properties, and the nature, energetics, and dynamics of its transformations.

Summer Research project

Why Study Chemistry at Randolph?


Qualified majors have the opportunity to serve as lab assistants and tutors, 教师鼓励并支持学生参加暑期研究项目.


Degrees offered

Bachelor of Arts Degree in Chemistry

Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry

Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemical 物理

Minor in Chemistry

Curriculum and Courses

Related Programs

Environmental Studies


的 Randolph Experience

Internships and Study Abroad

365亚洲版的学生通过各种领域的校外实习获得真实世界的经验, disciplines, and industries.

Summer Research Program


Randolph’s intensive eight-week Summer Research Program enables students to conduct research that is complemented by a thorough review of the relevant literature; live in a residence hall on campus, participate in on-campus summer events, attend special seminars with guest speakers; and share the progress and results of their research.

Learn more about the Summer Research Program.



Randolph student and faculty volunteers lead activities, exhibits, 实验室, 以及旨在让年轻女孩和男孩对科学感兴趣和兴奋的演讲, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).  

Senior Capstone


Unique Experiences


Historic Preservation Law

Janie Campbell ’12, history major
Preservation Consultant, law firm of Rogers Lewis Jackson Mann & Quinn, LLC, Columbia, South Carolina


“I work closely with project architects to ensure that historic, character defining elements of each building are preserved and restored, 对于1929年的飞机机库来说,重要的东西与1963年中叶的现代汽车旅馆的独特之处是截然不同的!”

她撰写国家史迹名录提名和历史保护认证申请, which detail the property’s significance.  她还会进行实地考察,以确保工作按照之前的描述和照片完成, 在, and after conditions of each project.

“Randolph certainly laid the foundation for my research and writing skills. 的 Summer Research Program, in particular, prepared me for the type of place-based research I do now. “


Top Ranked Professors

365亚洲版学院的教师一直被认为是全国最好的. 在《365亚洲版》最新版的旗舰大学指南中,该学院被评为最平易近人的25位教授之一, 的 Best 389 Colleges.

Randolph has been ranked in the top 25 for most accessible professors for more than a decade.

Chemistry Faculty

Ann Fabirkiewicz

Charles A. Dana Professor of Chemistry, Pre-Medical and Pre-Veterinary Studies Advisor

Read More... Ann Fabirkiewicz

Bill Bare

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Read More... Bill Bare

Jesse Kern

Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Read More... Jesse Kern

Only at Randolph



每半学期上两门课意味着你可以专注并深入学习你的课程,同时还有时间享受大学生活的其余部分. Two classes. Seven weeks. 重复.

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的 Liberal Arts Advantage

365亚洲版的毕业生学会批判性地思考,解决问题和与他人合作. 的y are prepared to succeed in all aspects of life.

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的 Randolph Plan


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Money for Your Research

365亚洲版创新学生体验(RISE)项目为每位学生提供2美元,000 grant to fund research, creative work, experiential learning or other scholarly pursuits.

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Department News

女校友 return for Women in Science panel

Ashleigh E. Baber ’05, Bria Carlisle-Thaniel ’16, Courtney Carter Plaster ’92, and Kristina Whately ’14 spoke about their careers.

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Leaving books and beakers behind: Bill Bare earns photography honor


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Students studying drone-based delivery systems for summer research project


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女校友 return for Women in Science panel

Ashleigh E. Baber ’05, Bria Carlisle-Thaniel ’16, Courtney Carter Plaster ’92, and Kristina Whately ’14 spoke about their careers.

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Leaving books and beakers behind: Bill Bare earns photography honor


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Students studying drone-based delivery systems for summer research project


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Department Chair

Ann Fabirkiewicz

Charles A. Dana Professor of Chemistry, Pre-Medical and Pre-Veterinary Studies Advisor

Credentials:Ph.D., University of Tennessee
B.S., University of Michigan
Associated Departments:Chemistry, Preparing to Study Medicine, Preparing to Study Veterinary Medicine
办公室:214 Martin Hall

News Headlines

我知道我想在高中时成为一名有机化学家,我想在大学二年级的时候教这门课, so I’m pretty sure I’ve found my dream job! 我还教授生物化学,一门营养学课程和有机化学专题. 我建议对健康专业感兴趣的学生,并乐于帮助学生在许多领域中理清他们的兴趣,并通过入学先决条件和所需的文书工作.

我目前的研究兴趣包括研究食品和饮料中抗氧化剂的定量技术,以及开发抗氧化剂指纹图谱的TLC染色方法. My students and I have analyzed chocolate, fresh and bottled juices, herbal teas, and colored rices most recently.


Bill Bare

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Credentials:B.S., Florida State University
Ph.D., University of Virginia
Associated Departments:Chemistry
办公室:Martin 403

News Headlines

I began teaching at Randolph College thinking that I would only be here a year. But when the opportunity arose to make the temporary position permanent, it wasn’t hard to make a decision. 365亚洲版是一个与我在大型州立大学的教育背景所习惯的完全不同的世界, and I really liked the personal feel of the college. 的 red brick campus began to feel like home almost immediately.

环境化学是我最喜欢教的课程,因为它汇集了在入门课程中学到的所有材料,并将其置于重要的国家和全球问题的背景下. 烟雾, ozone depletion, greenhouse gas emissions, global warming, alternative fuels, and ground water contamination are all issues of tremendous current importance, 如果不了解物种的化学性质和相关的过程,这些问题都是无法理解的. Although many of these issues represent great concerns, 它们也为未来的创造性化学家提供了巨大的机会,让他们对人们的生活做出有意义的改善.


Jesse Kern

Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Credentials:Ph.D., University of Kansas
B.S., Baker University
Associated Departments:Chemistry, Chemical 物理

从我的第一节本科热力学课开始,物理化学就一直是我的兴趣所在. 物理化学优雅地将物质的基本物理描述与我们所了解和喜爱的物质的日常特性联系起来. I teach courses in quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, materials science, as well as introductory general chemistry. I also advise chemistry majors interested in pursuing graduate school.

My current research interests are related to phenomena that occur at surfaces. 我们主要使用模拟技术,如分子动力学和密度泛函理论来理解原子尺度上的表面结构和性质.
